Monday, July 26, 2010

A Bottomly Plan

If I were a chair, I would not let anyone sit their nasty bottom on me. I'd scoot away and they'd fall and just have to live with it. ~ M

Monday, July 19, 2010

It Must Be a Sin

M: You know what's a bad thing to do?
Me: What's that?
M: Fart at people.
Me: Yeah?
M: Yeah. God doesn't like it.

Friday, July 9, 2010

A Normal Discussion

Stage set: Target aisle around about the soy sauce.

Enter stage-left: J and M running up and down the aisle. Mom takes J by the shoulder in a quick, harsh Kung Fu move.

Mom: [very pointedly] "Would you two stop this already!!? How many times am I going to have to repeat myself today?"

J: "Okay okay okay... Jeeez."

Mom turns back toward the shopping cart, looks into her infant-seat and baby-talks the baby. From behind Mom, the discussion continues:

J to M: [under his breath] "Dude, she just totally got all up in my grill."

... and scene.